Secondary 3
Serving Others, Striving Forward
2024 Year Head 3: Mr Zulkefli Abdol Shukor

Serving Others
Leading Self, Leading Others, Together as One
Student-initiated VIA Service Learning
Leadership opportunities (Student Leaders, Class Committee leaders, CCA leaders, Peer Support Leaders)
Striving Forward

Values-in-Action (VIA) Programme
To inculcate social and cultural sensitivities, students are given the opportunity to plan and execute their own service learning projects in the community. Students get to select an organisation of their choice and participate in a range of activities and volunteer at hospices, kindergartens or old folks’ homes. There, they interact with people from different socio-cultural backgrounds. This helps them to learn how to relate to other individuals from different backgrounds in a sensitive way, through words and action. Through these activities, students reflect on their contributions to the community and demonstrate school values such as righteousness and being socially conscious.
Meet-the-Parents Session
Done via teleconferencing, our annual Meet-the-Parents session provides the opportunity for parents and school staff (School Leaders, Year Heads, HODs and Form Teachers) to discuss ways to support our students in achieving their desired results and outcomes. Even though not done on a face-to-face basis, it is a meaningful and timely session for the school, parents and our students.
Free Period Academic Support
In order to maximise curriculum time, the Free Period Academic Support programme is designed to provide our students with a conducive learning environment during their respective free periods. Subject teachers are on hand to offer consultations and students are also able to revise for their upcoming assessments.
Secondary 3 Student Leadership
Many of our Secondary Three students take up higher leadership positions in the Student Council Executive Committee and Student Leadership Board in June. This is on top of those who were also appointed as CCA Leaders, Class leaders and Peer Support Leaders throughout the year. These leadership opportunities provided aim to develop and hone the leadership qualities in our students and provide the avenue for them to leave a positive impact in others, as they serve the school and the community.

Mr Zul posing with the students leaders involved in the Secondary One Orientation Camp (SOOC)
Post-Exam Activities
As part of the holistic development of students, our students get the opportunity to participate in various fun and hands-on activities to deepen their understanding of their own strengths and talents. They engage in fun aesthetics activities of their choice, such as music and art, as well as deepen their learning of science (to be added). Students also take part in the Games Carnival where they experience playing Soccer and other station games. With joy of learning, our students are able to grow their strengths in a varied and fun manner.